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British troops risk their lives to protect the UK and our way of life

but what about the people who should be watching their backs?

Unfortunately, it seems very few are actually doing their jobs...

Full details of the BBC complaint from Paul Warburton

Index of complaint correspondence




Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to BBC Complaints


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to the BBC Trustees


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to the BBC Trust


Letter to the BBC Trust


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to the BBC Editorial Complaints Unit


Letter to the BBC Trust


Letter to the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Reply from BBC - Conspiracy Files Warburton (PDF)


Reply from BBC - Conspiracy Files Annex 2 (PDF)

16/07/2011 - Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee

BBC Trustees
Editorial Standards Committee
180 Great Portland Street

16th July 2011


I am very disappointed with the attached reply from the BBC Audience Services dated 11th July.

As you know I have been in correspondence with the BBC for 3 months now over the issue of your coverage of 9/11. I have laid out my concerns in a number of letters; 13th April, 10th May, 8th June, 17th June, 1st July, 7th July and have waited patiently for the BBC to engage with the issues I have raised. You must agree the attached letter from Audience Services goes no way to answering all the serious anomalies with your coverage that I have raised. In fact the only substantive answer they give is one sentence to only one of my concerns which turns out to be wrong ie. Your producer Mr Rudin has indicated to Professor Harrit (who has told me this) that he will be running a new documentary near or on the 10th Anniversary.

Going back to your Secretary's letter of 3rd May may I now again urge you to pull this correspondence from the complaints stream and take responsibilty for reviewing it before your Editorial Standards Committee. I have received two replies from Audience Services, 6th May and 11th July and they do not engage with me at all on any of the many issues I raise save one.

For the record I received this week a letter from a senior churchman in this country who for many sets an example to many hundreds of thousands of others in this country. He was not inclined to do his own investigation of the events of 9/11 despite the various anomalies I showed him. He was content to rely on the "public account of that day". It must be a separate and on going debate I will have as to whether he is morally entitled to avoid those contradictions over such a pivotal historic event that has resulted in huge loss of life in the so called War on Terror. However that exchange did serve to show that he and indeed a great many others places a great deal of store by the BBC's presentation of the "truth".

So in your uniquely Independent status of presenting the truth, that is what we know to be true, what we are not sure about and what we know to be a lie, would you as Trustees please review the serious issues I raise about the BBC's coverage of 9/11

Yours Sincerely,

Paul Warburton
cc the other 5 Trustee Editorial Standards Committee members, the 9/11 Truth movement

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