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British troops risk their lives to protect the UK and our way of life

but what about the people who should be watching their backs?

Unfortunately, it seems very few are actually doing their jobs...

Full details of the BBC complaint from Paul Warburton

Index of complaint correspondence




Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to BBC Complaints


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to the BBC Trustees


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to the BBC Trust


Letter to the BBC Trust


Letter to trustees on the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Letter to the BBC Editorial Complaints Unit


Letter to the BBC Trust


Letter to the BBC Editorial Standards Committee


Reply from BBC - Conspiracy Files Warburton (PDF)


Reply from BBC - Conspiracy Files Annex 2 (PDF)

10/05/2011 - Letter to BBC Complaints

Mr Philip Young
BBC Complaints
BBC Audience Services
PO Box 1922

10th May 2011

Your Ref: CAS-717738 - 7 JM7GX

Dear Philip,

Thank you for your letter of 6th May. I would like to take the matter further with you.

The programme you refer to " The Conspiracy Files " were broadcast in 2007/08. Things within the worldwide 9/11 truth movement have moved on since then.

I include in my letter a photograph of the destruction of North Tower. This photograph was only released in 2009 under a freedom of information act request. It does beg the question why such photos were kept from public scrutiny for so long. As you are maybe aware it was only in March of this year that the 17 minute video footage of the 9/11 attacks in New York filmed by the NYPD helicopter were released. In the first month there were 9 million hits on youtube of that video.

The enclosed photograph shows the North Tower 3 seconds into its destruction. It is obviously not a pancake collapse as indicated by the 9/11 Official Commission findings. It is a building being destroyed in mid air and falling clearly outside of its own footprint.

In 2009 Professor Niels Harrit of Copenhagen University and a small team of scientists published a paper stating they had discovered within the dust of ground zero particles of nano thermate high explosive residue. His teams paper is available on the net and has been printed in scientific journals. I do not believe you have aired the views and evidence of Professor Harrit. He gives regular talks on this around the world but is not generally accepted on mainstream media despite his and his teams excellent credentials.

In 2006 an organisation based in the States began to take off. It is called Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth. It's headed by Richard Gage and backed by over 1,400 signatories in the related field demanding an independent investigation into 9/11. Their opinion is that the collapse of the Twin Towers have all the hall marks of a controlled demolition ie tying in with what Prof Harrit has found and what the enclosed photo seems to be showing the world. Likewise Richard Gage gives worlwide lectures but these are mainly outside the manistream media forums. I am aware he was on your 2008 presentation regarding building wtc 7.

Finally within New York in the last year a campaign has started within the 9/11 truth movement called " Building What ? " It is campaigning for an investigation into the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11 which the BBC at the time reported on live transmission as destroyed when it was still standing behind your reporter's shoulder. Richard Gage is on board with that campaign as is Bob Mcilvane a man who lost his son in the 9/11 attacks.

What I am asking the BBC to do in this run up to the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is to air a prime time programme including all this fresh new information together in one programme. It is very good and cogent evidence that the world public has not been told the full truth of 9/11. Ideally your programme would carry interviews with Richard Gage and Niels Harrit and Bob Mcilvane. I would also recommend William Rodriguez who as the caretaker in the WTC complex reported explosions in the base of his Tower at the time of the plane strike. I know you had him on BBC radio Devon but I dont believe that does justice to his story. It needs much wider coverage. You may also be aware that over 50 New York firefighters gave written statements to the effect they heard explosions in the Towers. This was not called as evidence before the Official Commission that investigated 9/11. All of this I think you will agree does begin to shed doubt on the official version. As regards the jets that crashed into the Towers I understand the names of the alleged hijackers were not on the passenger flight lists.

I have read the BBC's commitment to getting at the truth. I think this run up to the anniversary affords a very good opportunity to re evalute what millions of people including survivors and victim family members around the world have been saying for a long time; the Official version of 9/11 is fatally flawed.

I look forward to your reply.

Kind Regards

Paul Warburton

enc photo

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